By Lt General Chandra
Shekhar (Retd), Indian Army
In Oct 2001, the USA,
declared war on Taliban and Al Qaeda and ordered military action in
Afghanistan. The Taliban were overthrown, but the movement, the
clandestine warfare driven by the religious ideology and terror
supported by Islamic leadership of few neighbouring states continues
till today. We need to review the present situation, as the US led
international security forces have wound down their combat
participation, leaving behind only the military assets, and a
minimum combat presence of 9800 personnel, which would also pullout
in the near future. A minimum of 1000 of combatants are likely to be
retained , as part of the Resolute Support Mission. The operational
responsibility has been handed over to the Afghan National Security
Forces (ANSF), who have not proved their operational effectiveness
so far. Although, some improvement has taken place in the security
situation through the sustained operations of the US-NATO forces,
the Taliban and the Haqqani Net work have not been defeated
effectively. The attack on the Afghan Parliament at Kabul on the 22
June 2015, clearly demonstrates the reach of the Taliban and the
Haqqani network. The Taliban are still a powerful force in the South
and have extended their reach further northwards, as also in the
Helmond province, besides the thrust towards Ghor and Herat. The
recent Taliban offensive in the Northern provinces of Kunduz,
Badakhshan, and Faryab have already resulted in the capture of few
districts. The writ of the government is also thin in the rural
hinterland and the ongoing unrest is a cause of concern not only for
the internal stability and the economic development of Afghanistan,
but also for the stability of the entire Cenrtral Asian region due
to the danger of spill-over to the bordering countries.
The fighting presently
has been bloodiest since 2001; civilian casualties have shot up by
38% to 8700, including 3400 killed by the Taliban and the ANSF has
had large casualties (20,000) besides sizeable defections of the
militia. Politically, there has been a democratic transition of
power from President Hamid Karzai to the new President, Mohammed
Ashraf Ghani, by the bformation of a National Unity Government (NUG)
with Mr Abdulla Abdulla as the CEO. However, there are structural
flaws in the power sharing arrangement and governance. The inability
to conduct the scheduled parliamentary elections in April 2015 and
to appoint the Governors in most of the Provinces, has put the state
institutions into jeopardy. President Ghani has been able to
conclude the Bilateral Security Pact with the USA and has been more
pro-active in the peace process by seeking the involvement of the
USA, China, and Pakistan to negotiate with the Taliban, both at the
official and the informal levels. The talks held at Qatar and Doha
have not been successful, due to the hard stand of the Taliban, who
insist on total withdrawal of the US military and dismantling of
base facilities in Afghanistan. They have even demanded a Sharia
based new constitution and become more assertive. The Taliban are
also using the media to propagate their radical ideology and even
engineering defections in the government cadres. Attempts by other
influential neighbouring nations such as,Russia, Iran , Pakistan and
China to break the dead-lock have, so far, achieved little, although
the recent talks, held with the efforts of China and Pakistan do
provide hope for the future.
3. The US withdrawal,
from Afghanistan is not total and it retains some strike forces. It
also has the required air cover, logistics assets and bases, besides
training and advisor staff presence. A total force level of 9800,
supporting the Afghan troops (ANSF) till 2017, to perform the
security role and the US fleet of Drones, is expected to prevent the
Taliban and the Haqqani Network from regrouping. To achieve this the
USA will need a continued capability even beyond 2017 and the ANSF
will need considerable assistance in additional equipment, training
and the logistics support . The command and control of the Taliban
and the Al-Qaeda based in Pakistan has been badly disrupted, but not
eliminated. The US led intervention in Afghanistan
unlike the earlier interventions of the UK, and the Soviets has not
been against the Afghan society and the tribal social framework, but
against the fundamentalist elements of the Taliban, notwithstanding
occassional collateral damages. The Afghan people have supported the
US intervention to a large extent and welcomed the stability,
economic development and restoration of the basic facilities.
Restoration of their elected government has given them the pride and
confidence in their nation, however, they need to be given support
and help by other major powers and important donor countries. Perhaps
a consortium of the donor countries coordinated under a UN Mission is
the answer for better synergy.
4. Afghanistan, with
its vast mountainous terrain has fertile valleys in most of its 34
provinces. The country abounds in dry fruits, grapes, wheat and
minerals, but has poor connectivity and infrastructure. The sectarian
strife, extremism, fundamentalism, narco-trade, along with tribal
affinities spilling across the borders and the presence of foreign
fighters in Afghanistan, have made the security environment fluid and
unstable. However, there are new expectations in the country, and
ordinary Afghans aspire today to live in peace, harmony and in a
politically stable and secure society; make economic progress; reap
benefits from their mineral and energy resources, and not slip back
into conditions that prevailed during the war and the Taliban regime.
They seek and look up to international aid from the friendly
countries to invest in Afghanistan and participate in trade, economic
reconstruction and development. They want their hard earned politico,
social and economic gains to continue. They generally appreciate the
US-NATO operations being conducted against the fundamentalist forces
in their country and the economic assistance from the various donor
5. Afghanistan
borders Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikstan, China and Pakistan
and is a gateway to Central Asia. The dominant tribe of “Pashtoons''
are spread on either side of the “Durrand line” into Pakistan,
whereas the other major tribes of Hazaras, Tajiks and the Uzbekis are
in the North Eastern province. The tribal loyalties, though strong,
are subject to the dominating tribe at a given time. Any change in
the tribal domination does impact the leadership change in
Afghanistan. The developments in Pakistan, Iran and the Central Asian
Republic States (CARS) have a bearing on the security and stability
of Afghanistan. Similarly, the role of major powers i.e., USA,
Russia, China, and the important countries in the region i.e., Saudi
Arabia, Turkey and India, besides the major 'donor' countries, i.e.,
Japan, EU, Australia and New Zealand need to be factored in. A
review of the developing ssituation in Afghanistan and future
prospects of collaboration is outlined below.
6. USA. The USA,
undoubtedly, remains the most important player in Afghanistan. Its
cooperation is essential for the stability and successful transition
of Afghanistan into a well-knit nation, as also for the conflict
resolution of the ongoing insurgency in the Af-Pak region. During the
last decade, the USA along with its NATO allies, has primarily
focussed on military operations against the Taliban and the Al-Qaeda,
to bring about normalcy in Afghanistan. This has met with partial
success. However, the equally important aspect of regional engagement
for a lasting solution, with India, Russia, China and Iran, for
cooperation and dialogue has been somewhat relegated. The USA,
despite strong evidence of Pakistan’s duplicity, of giving
sanctuary and support to the Afghan Taliban and sheltering
Osama-bin-Laden and the other leadership of Al-Qaeda in Pakistan, has
been soft in condemning Pakistan. This was primarily because Pakistan
acts as a conduit for the logistics support for operations into
Afghanistan. The USA, however, has been carrying out drone attacks on
terrorist targets in Pakistan, based on hard intelligence. The
exclusive US focus on military operations,
resulted in inadequate attention to the economic development and
8. . Taliban
continues to remain a potent force and would need to be defeated,
before any total withdrawal of the US-led international force is
contemplated—if we were not to repeat the mistake the Soviets made
in their pullout in 1989. The US military strength and assets
remaining in Afghanistan after the draw-down, must have sufficient
deterrence capability to remain effective and credible, which does
not appear to be so at the moment. The presence of the US forces,
though opposed by the Taliban and the other Jehadi forces, is sought
by the Afghan Government, and in fact, is welcomed by most of the
countries in the region. Even the USA, despite its domestic
compulsions, has geo-strategic interests in retaining the bases for
possible future options in the Central Asia or Ukraine. The recent
resurgence in the insurgency operations by the Islamic State of Iraq
and Syria (ISIS) in West Asia is forcing a rethink on the US strategy
in the region, and would warrant a review and enhancement of the US
combat mission in Afghanistan.
9. The USA realises that the
Taliban forces have varying degree of domination in twenty out of the
thirty-four Afghan Provinces and it cannot impose a peace deal on its
terms. The US administration has, therefore, decided to open talks
with the Afghan Taliban, and has sought cooperation from China, Saudi
Arabia and Turkey, who have considerable influence with Pakistan. The
USA, despite its significant leverage with Pakistan—having provided
her 27 billion dollars in civil and military aid over the last decade
as compensation for the logistics and base facilities for operations
in Afghanistan—has not succeeded in her efforts to dismantle the
Haqqani Network and eliminate Pakistan's support and encouragement to
the Taliban. The annual US Report released on terrorism for 2014,
once again called out Pakistan's two-timing on terrorism, detailing
the country's patronage of some Afghan terror groups including the
LeT, who freely operate in Pakistan. Operations against the Taliban
undertaken by Pakistan are only limited to the Waziristan province,
that too reluctantly. It is well known that LeT operates against
India in the J&K, while the Al-Qaeda and the Haqqani Network
concentrate on Afghanistan; yet the USA is soft on Pakistan.
10. Although, the Bilateral
Security Pact (BSA) has recently been concluded, by the USA with the
new Afghan regime, the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) are not
fully equipped to take over the military operations, and would need
more time to train appropriately. A new strategy needs to be
formulated by the US
military-training teams to train and advise the ANSF field units,
just as such a practice is being revived in Iraq for operations
against ISIS. Countries like India and Russia, who have had long
association with the ANSF, should be gainfully incorporated in such
an effort, with the US being in the lead. Finally, peace efforts in
Afghanistan should be made more comprehensive by associating
countries like Russia, India, Iran, China and Pakistan. In the
ultimate analysis, it is winning the ‘hearts and minds' that would
become the game changer. Greater efforts need to be made by the USA
and its allies for more economic assistance programmes as part of a
UN mission, or by larger coordinated participation by donor
11. Russia and the CARS.
There are indications of active Russian involvement in the Afghan
peace process with talks with the Taliban, the Russians would also
like a peaceful and moderate regime in Afghanistan post-US
withdrawal. The CARS are moderate Islamic states with past linkages
with the Russians and fear the radical ideology of the ISISand
Taliban. They have considerable energy and mineral resources which
they aspire to develop for their economic progress by retaining
friendly relations with Russia and China.
Russia and the countries of the Central Asia will be wary of a
radical regime in Afghanistan that would harm the interests in the
CARS, or support the Islamist terrorists in the CARS and in the
Russian federations like in Chechnyan province. The Russians have
been making the largest contribution to the security of Tajikistan,
where they have stationed a rifle Division and accept the continued
US presence in Afghanistan—till the Taliban forces are fully
defeated—but they would want the US to dismantle bases from
Afghanistan and the CARS. Russia is likely to provide assistance to
the CSTO and possibly SCO to fight the ISIS/ Taliban influence in the
CARS. Russia has had earlier association with the Afghan military and
could provide military training and equipment to Afghanistan. The SCO
can play an important role in Afghanistan post US withdrawal.
12. China. China has
been pragmatic in pursuing its policies with Afghanistan and securing
its national interests. It has signed the Strategic Partnership
Agreement with Afghanistan in 2012 and undertaken economic engagement
in the mining and energy sectors. It also shares a border in Xinjiang
province and thus, has security interests in the region. It has very
cordial relations with Pakistan and is apparently tolerant of
Pakistan's support to the Taliban as a strategic compulsion beyond
her control, and because of its special relations with her. It shares
common goals with the USA and Russia of maintaining stability and
economic reconstruction in Afghanistan. The tri-lateral dialogue
between China-Afghanistan-Pakistan has tremendous potential for
brokering peace with the Taliban. It is learnt that the Taliban have
welcomed China's involvement and have sent a delegation to China
immediately after President Ghani's recent China (Oct 2014), visit to
discuss Afghan related issues. The talks were attended by the Afghan
Government Officials , the Taliban and the officials of Pakistan's
ISI. However there are elements both in the Afghan Government and the
Taliban leadership who are opposed to the talks.
13. China with her economic
resources, military potential, diplomatic influence, special
relations with Pakistan and a shared border with Afghanistan has
significant potential influence and can emerge as a decisive player.
However, it needs to shoulder greater responsibility by more active
participation in defeating the Taliban, both by military means and
political influence. Will it also cooperate with the USA, Iran and
India in the economic development of Afghanistan in an integrated
effort, is a relevant question? There are other important donor
countries, including Japan and India, involved in the economic
reconstruction, who need protection and security for their
investments and personnel. Will the Chinese assist in ensuring
security against the Taliban by joint operations or a UN supported
mission? These are pertinent issues to be addressed. A dialogue
between China-Afghanistan-USA in the future has tremendous scope to
get the Taliban to negotiate a peace deal.
14. Pakistan.
Pakistan is the most important neighbour, with a common border,
similar cultural and religious affinities, controls access to the sea
ports to the land locked Afghanistan. Pakistan considers Afghanistan
as her strategic backyard and is part of the Afghan problem by giving
sanctuary to the Afghan terrorists on her territory. There are many
challenges to Pakistan’s engagement with Afghanistan, especially in
how it confronts the Taliban sanctury on its soil and how it deals
with the Taliban, LET and the Haqqani Net work. The biggest challenge
to Pakistan is the internal insurgency in Waziristan and FATA. This
situation has come about by Pakistan indiscriminately arming and
supporting the Taliban cadres and the Afghan refugees for terror
attacks in Afghanistan. These elements have become heavily
indoctrinated, and a restive powerful force. Pakistan Army has
belatedly undertaken counter-insurgency operations in her own
territory to subdue these forces.
15. Pakistan has also
deftly played its cards, both, as an ally of the US operating
against the extremists and extracting financial compensation from the
US in return, as also clandestinely supporting the Taliban, to secure
its future long term prospects of an amenable government in
Afghanistan. It sees India's growing presence in Afghanistan and its
friendly relations with the Afghans adversely—as an attempt by
India to surround it from the rear. There is strong evidence that
Pakistan has been actively sponsoring Taliban attacks on Indian aided
projects and on Indian facilities. Afghanistan, despite her protests
to the Pakistan authorities has found no response, except denials
from them.
16. Pakistan does not
allow connectivity between India and Afghanistan through its
territory. It wants to limit India's influence and make Afghanistan
entirely dependent on her, rather than realize the direct economic
gains that would accrue to her by trade and transit facilities, being
a natural land bridge. A large population of Afghanistan views
Pakistan as an impediment to Afghanistan's economic progress since it
provides support and sanctury to the Afghan Taliban involved in
violence and terror attacks in their country.
17. Recent overtures of
President Ashraf Ghani to facilitate, reconciliation and mutual
cooperation with Pakistan including joint military operations against
the terrorists, with a nudge from the USA, have not resulted in
meaningful military cooperation. The recent Pakistani facilitation of
the peace talks with the Afghan Taliban at Murree is a good step and
need to be followed up.China with her very cordial relations and
influence with Pakistan can help to bring about a change in the
attitudes and mindset of Pakistan. China can prevail over Pakistan to
bring about moderation in the security environment in the region.
Pakistan herself is attempting to quell the internal insurgency, as
they are causing terror attacks inside Pakistan. Pakistan is also
attempting to normalise relations with Afghanistan and re-energise
its policy towards the CARS for trade and energy. However, Pakistan
is also using the US withdrawal of the combat troops and its fallout,
to penetrate Afghan institutions and regain its influence to obtain
its aspirations of strategic depth in Afghanistan. A large section of
the Afghan population, do not trust the Pakistani leadership, as the
Afghan Taliban and the Haqqani Network continue to retain safe havens
in the Pakistani territory and launch terror attacks in Afghanistan,
including the recent attack on the Parliament Building at Kabul on
the 22 Jun2015.
18. Iran. Iran is the
other important neighbour of Afghanistan and an alternative trade and
transit hub. It shares a long border and has cultural, religious, and
linguistic affinity. It provides pragmatic support and stands for a
multi-ethnic Afghanistan. Like Pakistan, it has more than million
Afghan refugees to be repatriated, besides a long standing bilateral
dispute (pertaining to the Helmund River) to settle. The Iranian
government has been engaging with the international community to
bring about a political solution to the long drawn conflict in
Afghanistan. Iran has friendly relations with India, Pakistan and
China, which if harnessed jointly with the USA, can bring about a
substantial transformation in the situation in Afghanistan.
19. It has made
significant investments in development of Afghanistan, in areas of
Herat and along the western border. It also provides an alternative
trade and transit route to Afghanistan, through its road, rail system
and access to Sea through its Chabahar port, which is being jointly
developed with Indian assistance. The Afghanistan-Iran Strategic
Cooperation Agreement of August 2013 is a comprehensive instrument
for military cooperation, intelligence sharing and counter terrorism.
Iran,with its strategic location, traditional goodwill, economic and
cultural linkages with Afghanistan, can help broker a peace agreement
in Afghanistan. It should also take greater responsibility for the
security of the western Afghanistan and the border areas it shares,
against the Taliban attacks, as part of the Strategic Cooperation
Agreement with Afghanistan.
The Indian Perspective
20. India has historical,
geo-political and strategic interests in Afghanistan and the CARS.
The region forms part of its strategic neighbourhood. The rise of
terrorism in the region egged on by Pakistan was almost exclusively
targeted at India in the initial few years. In the period between
1989-2002, Taliban-controlled Afghanistan launched many Jehadi
attacks in India at the behest of their Pakistani masters. The
possibility of such a scenario recurring post US withdrawal, will not
be in the Indian interest,
or in the interest of Afghanistan
and the region as a whole. This should not be allowed to happen, for
the regional stability and the unhindered development of Afghanistan.
As things stand today, the situation in Afghanistan is getting worse
and the Islamic Jehadis and the Taliban are steadily increasing their
influence. India needs not only to voice its concern, but also to
evolve its own strategy to deal with the Afghan fallout, both to
protect its investments and personnel deployed in Afghanistan, as
well as to prevent escalation of the hostile activities of the LeT in
the J&K.
21. Indian focus in
Afghanistan has been on continuing to provide the wherewithal to
assist them in their reconstruction and to support the Afghan people
in their efforts for a peaceful and stable Afghanistan. Four land
mark projects that have been completed in the infra structure
development include the Delaram–Zeranj Highway connecting Kabul,
Kandhar, Herat and Mazar-e-Sharif to the Iranian port city of
Chabahar. The transmission lines have been built by India, to
transmit the Ujbek electricity to Afghanistan, besides, the new hydro
electric Salma Dam, and the Parliament building in Kabul. India today
is the 4th largest donor towards rebuilding of
Afghanistan. India is also building hospitals and Steel and Power
plants, besides providing them teachers and training the Afghan
Security Forces in the Indian institutions.
22. India, firmly
believes, that the reconstruction and the economic development should
be Afghan led and Afghan owned. Perhaps, for effective coordination
and development of infrastructure, there may be a need for a UN
mission in Afghanistan. It is further felt that the ANSF be assisted
in training, equipment, and operational planning by the USA, and by
other important friendly donor nations. The assets being created and
the task forces of the countries involved in the reconstruction
should be provided security, against the Taliban attacks jointly by
the donor countries and the ANSF. There have been instances where the
Indian missions and personnel engaged in reconstruction of the
infrastructure projects have been targeted, by the radical elements
operating from Pakistan. Such acts must not only be condemned, but
suitable steps be taken to ensure security of the aid missions under
UN cover. India should consider deploying its own security elements
for the protection of its assets, if the other efforts do not
23. In 2011, India and
Afghanistan signed a Strategic Partnership Agreement. India has given
a Rs 2 billion economic assistance to Afghanistan and has set up
medical missions at Kabul, Kandhar , Jalalabad, Herat And
Mazar-e-Sharif, treating more than 400,000 Afghans annually. India
has offered facilities for Afghan students at the Indian
institutions, and sent experts in Communication Engineering, water
treatment and for projects in education. The visit of the President
Ashraf Ghani to India, in April 2015 has given a fresh opportunity to
both the countries to further strengthen the bilateral partnership
and to review their relations realistically, particularly, in view of
Pakistan's persistent suspicions of India's contribution and role in
India being a traditional friend and a major contributor of economic
assistance to Afghanistan, enjoys respect in Afghan society. India's
security concerns and protection of its assets in Afghanistan have to
be given due consideration by the International powers.
24. The re-emergence of the
radical forces and extremists in Afghanistan is certainly not in the
interest of Afghanistan for its stability and the economic growth.
The economy is showing a downward growth; there is increase in
unemployment, slowdown in investments and flight of capital outside
the country. These insurgents have to be defeated by support from the
major powers jointly, with the Afghan Forces. A moderate, stable, and
secure Afghanistan is in the interest of the entire region. Islamic
radical forces in the past have been targeting India in particular.
India would recommend that an international security guarantee be
given to Afghanistan, backed by the ''Afghanistan-USA Bilateral
Security Pact'', European Union, Russia, China and Iran. China and
Iran, in particular, being Afghanistan's neighbours, with a shared
border and important regional players need to share the security
responsibilities, with the US. The challenge for all, is how to
prevent conflict and establish peace in a durable manner, so that
socio-economic and human resource development can take place at the
desired rate.
25. The economic
development, building of the infrastructure, institutions and a
democratic polity is a major effort, to be undertaken over a period
of time. The two essential pre-requisites for this are to ensure a
secure and stable environment free from the external forces, and the
other equally important factor of Afghanistan's internal dynamics, by
balancing the tribal rivalry and preventing further radicalisation of
the Afghan society. The other major essential ingredients are the
resource availability, creation of economic assets and the
transportation corridors which can only happen with an international
effort, coordinated under the UN mission. If this is not done, then
the whole effort of ushering a ''decade of transformation'' would
remain an elusive goal.
26. Afghanistan also
provides an opportunity for regional cooperation between South Asia,
Central Asia, China and Iran. In this regard, the Indian model of
partnering Afghanistan in the socio- economic development, keeping in
mind the best interests of Afghanistan needs to be examined for
adoption by other countries. The Chinese initiative of the “New
Silk Route'' for creating a transportation corridor and the gas pipe
line for energy utilization are other important steps for the
regional integration, although,India has concerns with the proposed
economic corridor to Pakistan as it passes throug the POK region of
the Indian province of J&K. The tripartite agreement between
India-Afghanistan and Iran to develop the Iranian port of Chahbahar
to facilitate transportation of goods from Afghanistan, as an
alternative to Pakistani ports, is another viable initiative for
regional integration.
27. As of now, the Afghan
government's attempts at reconciliation with the Taliban is unlikely
to succeed as the Taliban is attempting hard to strengthen its
control over the high ways,and the key cities in the South and the
North -Eastern provinces. The Taliban will continue to maintain
pressure on Kabul though it is unlikely to come to power. The, USA,
and the allies must continue to support the Afghan government,
militarily as well as , strengthen the state institutions and assist
in the economic reconstruction, along with other donor countries,
other wise all the efforts of the past 14 years will go waste.
The Unfinished War in Afghanistan(2001-2015), Bishal Chandra,
Pentagon Press , New Delhi,2015.
Beyond 2014, From ' Rhetoric to Reality',
An Indian
Perspective, Lt Gen PK Singh, USI Occasional Paper, 2014. New
Strategy Takes Shape’, Harsh V Pant, Deccan Herald, 13 June 2015,
New Delhi.
Beyond 2014, From ' Rhetoric to Reality', An Indian Perspective,
Lt Gen PK Singh, USI Occasional Paper, 2014. New Delhi.
Strategic Interest In Afghanistan, Wing Cmdr, A Gupta,USI
Journal Vol CXL1, No 589 Sep 2012, New Delhi.
Peace Talks Fail over Taliban Demands, Praveen Sami ,Indian Express,
06 June 2015 New Delhi.